Breaking Down AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR): A Step-by-Step Guide – Part 1

CUR Analysis
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Reading Time: 9 minutes

Imagine this: You sit down with your team to review your organisation’s monthly AWS costs, yet everyone seems unsure who owns which part of that spend. You might ask, “Shouldn’t we know exactly how these costs break down, who used what, and why that usage soared last week?” And how do you make each team pay for its own share, so they think twice before leaving that unnecessary resource running overnight?

I’ve spent years helping public sector customers here in Australia figure out that puzzle. Let me tell you, I’ve seen smart people stumble, stuck trying to puzzle out cost data line by line. But what if you had a ledger that revealed every penny spent, a record that not only guided you toward more thoughtful usage, but also helped you implement a chargeback model to drive accountability?

You might have heard me talk about nurturing a cost-aware culture before. Now let’s take a closer look at the AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) and learn how to use it as the backbone for fair and transparent cost distribution. We’ll start simple—setup, key features, and data structuring—then get more practical. By the time we’re done with this post, I hope you’ll have fresh ideas on how to assign AWS costs back to those who consumed them, making each team think carefully before they spend.

Understanding AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR)

Back to basics. What is the AWS CUR, and why do I keep talking about it? It’s your magnifying glass on the whole estate. Unlike those high-level summaries that leave you guessing, CUR lays out how much each resource consumed, which account generated it, and what tags are attached. It’s the detailed record you need when you want to say, “This service cost £X to run in Region Y on Account Z last Tuesday.” And when combined with proper tagging and cost categories, you have a data source for meaningful chargebacks. Without CUR, distributing costs back to those who caused them is guesswork. With CUR, it’s a matter of well-structured queries.

What Exactly Does CUR Contain?

Think of CUR as a ledger that records not just what you spent, but who spent it, when, and on which resource. Everything’s there: billing data, usage details, metadata like account IDs, regions, tags, and even third-party charges. But be warned, it’s detailed. The first time you open one, you might feel as if you’re looking at a thousand-page phone directory. Yet that granularity is the key to fair internal cost assignments. Want to know who racked up all that EC2 spend? It’s right there. Want to pinpoint which project left a large storage bucket half full and running all month? CUR shows you.

Peering into the Details

One of the finer aspects of CUR is how it can drill down by service, region, account, or even custom tags. That means you can slice your costs by team or project, then map those slices back to your chargeback model. Picture it as splitting a group dinner bill. Instead of splitting it evenly and upsetting the quiet intern who only had a sandwich, you charge each person for what they actually ordered.

Choosing the Right Format and Delivery

You can get CUR data delivered to an Amazon S3 bucket in CSV or Parquet form. CSV works when you’re tinkering in a spreadsheet, but Parquet is usually best. Smaller file sizes, column-based storage, and compatibility with Athena make it much smoother to query at scale. You can schedule data delivery hourly, daily, or monthly. Hourly granularity can help you attribute short-term spikes and make chargebacks more precise. After all, if a team spinned up a cluster for a day-long test, wouldn’t you rather capture that cost the moment it appears?

Understanding the Differences: Legacy CUR vs CUR 2.0

If you’ve used CUR before, you might wonder, “What really changed with this newer version?” Let’s break it down:

  • Data Structure Improvements: Integration with Other Services:
  • Granular Permissions and Access Control:
  • Performance and Processing Enhancements:
  • Easier Migration and Better Guidance:

Read more about CUR 2.0 in the AWS documentation here

A Quick Look at CUR 2.0

If you’ve used CUR before, you might wonder, “Why bother with the newer version?” CUR 2.0 aims to reduce friction. Features like tighter integration with services such as AWS Data Exchange help distribute cost data to external departments or partners. The data structure also feels tidier, making it easier to define who can access what. And the faster processing behind the scenes makes it simpler to run queries for daily or even hourly chargeback runs. If old CUR was a steady old car, CUR 2.0 is more like a tuned-up one that gets you where you need to go in less time.

Enabling Chargeback with a Centralised Storage Pattern

I remember speaking with a CIO who said, “We added another account and now cost reporting feels like starting from scratch.” That’s where the centralised storage pattern helps. It sets up a nominated account with a secure S3 bucket to gather CUR data from multiple payer accounts. So whether you manage one account or a dozen, you can store all usage data in a single place. And this is important: by analysing everything centrally, you can map costs back to the right teams using a uniform method. No more guesswork, no more silos.

This approach also provides a neater security story. You store your data in one bucket with strict access controls. You add encryption, keep logs for traceability, and apply lifecycle rules. It’s tidy and secure. Once that’s in place, introducing a new payer account is as simple as updating parameters and waiting for the next delivery. Your chargeback model grows with you, and your teams can’t say they didn’t know what they owed, because the data was never missing.

Below, I’ve included two CloudFormation templates. The first creates the central S3 bucket with best practices like encryption and versioning. The second, deployed in each payer account, sets up CUR and points it toward the central bucket. While this might look detailed, remember that once it’s working, you don’t have to fuss much. And think about the payoff: a stable base for accurate chargebacks, no matter how your AWS footprint evolves.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: Create a central S3 bucket in the nominated account for CUR replication.

    Type: CommaDelimitedList
    Description: "List of AWS account IDs authorised to replicate CUR data to this bucket."

    Type: String
    Default: ""
    Description: "Optional KMS Key ARN for bucket encryption. Leave blank for default encryption."

  IsKMSKeyProvided: !Not [!Equals [!Ref KMSKeyArn, ""]]

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: central-cur-bucket
        Status: Enabled
        BlockPublicAcls: true
        BlockPublicPolicy: true
        IgnorePublicAcls: true
        RestrictPublicBuckets: true
      BucketEncryption: !If
        - IsKMSKeyProvided
        - ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
            - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
                SSEAlgorithm: aws:kms
                KMSMasterKeyID: !Ref KMSKeyArn
        - ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
            - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
                SSEAlgorithm: AES256
          - Id: TransitionToIA
            Status: Enabled
              - StorageClass: STANDARD_IA
                TransitionInDays: 90
        - Key: Purpose
          Value: CentralisedCUR
        - Key: Environment
          Value: Production

    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
      Bucket: !Ref CentralCURBucket
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Sid: AllowReplicationFromPayerAccounts
            Effect: Allow
              AWS: !Ref ReplicationSourceAccounts
              - s3:ReplicateObject
              - s3:GetObjectVersionForReplication
              - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${CentralCURBucket}/*"
              - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${CentralCURBucket}"
                aws:SecureTransport: true

    Type: AWS::S3::BucketLogging
      Bucket: !Ref CentralCURBucket
        TargetBucket: logging-bucket-name
        TargetPrefix: "central-bucket-logs/"

    Description: The name of the centralised S3 bucket for CUR.
    Value: !Ref CentralCURBucket
      Name: CentralCURBucketName

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: Set up CUR in the payer account and configure replication to the central S3 bucket.

    Type: String
    Description: "Name of the central S3 bucket."

    Type: String
    Description: "AWS Account ID of the nominated account where the central S3 bucket is located."

    Type: String
    Default: ""
    Description: "Optional KMS Key ARN for encryption."

  IsKMSKeyProvided: !Not [!Equals [!Ref KMSKeyArn, ""]]

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}-cur-reports"
        Status: Enabled
        BlockPublicAcls: true
        BlockPublicPolicy: true
        IgnorePublicAcls: true
        RestrictPublicBuckets: true
          - Id: TransitionToIA
            Status: Enabled
              - StorageClass: STANDARD_IA
                TransitionInDays: 90

    Type: AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition
      ReportName: "DetailedCostReport"
      TimeUnit: "HOURLY"
      Format: "Parquet"
      Compression: "GZIP"
      S3Bucket: !Ref CURS3Bucket
      S3Prefix: !Sub "cur/${AWS::AccountId}/"
      S3Region: !Ref AWS::Region
        - "RESOURCES"
      ReportVersioning: "CREATE_NEW_REPORT"

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - PolicyName: ReplicationPolicy
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                  - s3:ReplicateObject
                  - s3:GetObjectVersionForReplication
                  - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${CURS3Bucket}/*"
                  - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${DestinationBucket}/*"

    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
      Bucket: !Ref CURS3Bucket
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Sid: AllowReplicationAccess
            Effect: Allow
              AWS: !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${DestinationAccountId}:root"
              - s3:PutObject
              - s3:GetBucketLocation
              - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${CURS3Bucket}/*"
              - !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${CURS3Bucket}"
                aws:SecureTransport: true

    Type: AWS::S3::BucketLogging
      Bucket: !Ref CURS3Bucket
        TargetBucket: logging-bucket-name
        TargetPrefix: "payer-bucket-logs/"

    Description: Name of the Cost and Usage Report.
    Value: !Ref CURReportDefinition

Scaling to More Accounts

What if you add a new management account? You just update the central bucket stack to add that account ID, deploy the CUR setup stack in the new account, and data begins flowing soon after. No heroics, no manual guesswork. It’s the same pattern repeated—scalable, predictable, and ready to support more chargebacks as your AWS usage expands.

Turning Data into Chargebacks

CUR data by itself is valuable, but you need to shape it so that each team sees its share of the cost. Tags and cost categories help turn raw data into something meaningful. By tagging resources with something like “Department: Marketing” or “Project: AthenaUpgrade,” you can filter CUR queries so only that team’s spend is surfaced. You might ask, “How much did that machine learning project really cost last month?” If you’ve been tagging well, a quick Athena query can answer that. And that’s the data you use to send the bill back to the right team.

Queries in Action

Cost categories let you group costs in a way that matches your organisation’s structure. Combine them with Athena, and you get a powerful analysis tool. For example, group costs by business unit:

    cost_category['Business_Unit'] AS business_unit,
    SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS total_cost
FROM cur_table
WHERE billing_period = '2024-01'
GROUP BY cost_category['Business_Unit']
ORDER BY total_cost DESC;

This query returns a straightforward breakdown of who spent what. Perfect when you’re preparing that internal chargeback bill.

Analysing Resource Usage

Maybe you need more detail. Which projects spike usage, and by how much?

WITH hourly_usage AS (
        resource_tags['Project'] AS project,
        DATE_TRUNC('hour', line_item_usage_start_date) AS usage_hour,
        SUM(line_item_usage_amount) AS usage_amount,
        SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS cost
    FROM cur_table
    WHERE product['product_name'] = 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud'
    GROUP BY 1, 2
    AVG(usage_amount) AS avg_hourly_usage,
    STDDEV(usage_amount) AS usage_variation,
    SUM(cost) AS total_cost
FROM hourly_usage
GROUP BY project
ORDER BY usage_variation DESC;

This one shows which projects have erratic usage and might benefit from better housekeeping. Then you charge them for that rollercoaster pattern.

Savings Plans and Coverage

You can also track who benefits most from Savings Plans. Are some teams not taking advantage, leaving money on the table?

    resource_tags['Project'] AS project,
    SUM(savings_plan_savings_plan_effective_cost) AS covered_spend,
    SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS total_spend,
    (covered_spend / NULLIF(total_spend, 0)) * 100 AS coverage_percentage
FROM cur_table
WHERE line_item_line_item_type LIKE 'SavingsPlan%'
GROUP BY project
HAVING total_spend > 0
ORDER BY coverage_percentage DESC;

This helps you see which teams are well covered by discounted rates, encouraging others to consider similar plans to lower their own charges.

CUR 2.0 Differences

Under CUR 2.0, fields like product name and region now nest inside objects. That makes queries more flexible. For instance:

FROM cur_table
WHERE billing_period = '2024-01';

This structured approach streamlines queries, making it easier to get just the detail you need.

Looking Ahead

By now, you have a sense of how CUR can help you shape chargeback models. It’s not some mysterious code to crack. It’s a straightforward ledger, waiting for you to slice, filter, and query it until you know exactly who owes what. The centralised pattern provides order, tagging and cost categories add meaning, and Athena queries let you carve out insights. And then, when you hand that internal bill to the right team, it’s no surprise to anyone. They see the numbers. They know they own them.

In the next post, I’ll go further. We’ll explore how you can use automation, dashboards, and more advanced analysis to keep an even closer eye on costs. Think anomaly detection, trend analysis, and ways to forecast spend with more confidence. That’s where things start to get genuinely interesting, as you gain the tools to act on your insights rather than just record them.

So what’s next? Maybe it’s time to start that first query, give your teams the data, and see how they respond when the monthly AWS costs come rolling in. Will they leave idle resources running if they know the charge hits their own budget tomorrow morning? I doubt it. And that’s the kind of cultural shift you want.

Series Navigation<< A Deep Dive into Cost Allocation Models: Choosing the Right ApproachBreaking Down AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) A Step-by-Step Guide – Part 2 >>

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  • December 11, 2024
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